Movies directed by willy-mullens

Bygone Glory

How Money Is Made in the Netherlands

Fishermen's Places on the Zuiderzee


The Dead Towns on the Zuiderzee

Tobacco Culture in Deli

Excursion to India's Powerful Elements. Volcanoes... fumaroles... eruptions

Behind the Clouds the Sun Is Shining


Solar eclipse April 8, 1921

Visit to Yogyakarta and Surakarta

Steam pumping station in Lemmer

Palembang. Towards the Upper Reaches of the Lematang

Monster Demonstration on Monday November 18, 1918 on the Malieveld in The Hague

Fishermen's Islands in the Zuiderzee: Marken

The Misadventure of a French Gentleman Without Pants at the Zandvoort Beach


Change of Administration in the Dutch East Indies