Movies directed by steven-c-smith

Batman Unmasked: The Psychology of The Dark Knight

Thou Shalt Not: Sex, Sin and Censorship in Pre-Code Hollywood

Look, Up in the Sky! The Amazing Story of Superman

Discord and Harmony: Creating a Late Quartet

Spider-Man Tech

Sex at 24 Frames Per Second

Cleopatra: The Film That Changed Hollywood
A New Dimension in Noir: Filming Inferno in 3D

Silent Laughter: The Reel Inspirations of 'Silent Movie'

Musical Mel: Inventing The Inquisition

The Sound of a City: Julie Andrews Returns to Salzburg

Hitchcock and Mel: Spoofing the Master of Suspense

DC Spotlight: Shazam!

The Science of Superman
Killer Instincts: Richard Widmark and Ida Lupino at Twentieth Century Fox
Nightmare: The Life and Films of Cornell Woolrich

Halloween: A Cut Above the Rest
A Sedulous Cinderella: Richard Fleischer Remembered