Movies directed by daniel-l-bernardi

Adele Shimanoff: U.S. Marine

Julie Mendez - from PTSD to Art

Ralph Parr: Fighter Ace of the Twentieth Century

The Architect: A Montford Point Marine

Leo Patrick McArdle: Veterans Helping Veterans

The Chaplain: MAJ Brenda Threatt

Fighter Pilots of Vietnam

The Gunnery: A Montford Point Marine

Casey Conklin: Ranger Battalion

Remembering Port Chicago

Foghorn: Child Actor, Veteran, Friend

Immigrant Service: Focus on Jesus Duran

Guy Hircefeld: A Guy with a Camera

Buck Southworth: U.S. Air Force Flight Crew

Merchant Marine Paul Goercke and the Alexander Hamilton Post 448

Noble Sissle's Syncopated Ragtime

Fighting Fred Funston

Michael Blackwell: Combat Camera